Willie B

Willie B

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Man gets a DUI riding a Lawn Mower on the High way with a Beer in his hand

Willie Chats with Geezer Butler about his new Book Into the void

Willie Chats with Geezer Butler about his new Book Into the void

Student raises $45,000 to hire a Mariachi Band to Counter-Protest some Protestors

Student raises $45,000 to hire a Mariachi Band to Counter-Protest some Protestors

Ecuadorian Model gets gunned down after sharing a picture of Ceviche from a local restaurant

Ecuadorian Model gets gunned down after sharing a picture of Ceviche from a local restaurant

A Man dressed up as Bigfoot and ran past a bunch of windows at a School. Authorities freaked out.

A Man dressed up as Bigfoot and ran past a bunch of windows at a School.  Authorities freaked out.

Someone stole a woman's Haunted dolls. Woman says the Thief is going to regret it.

Someone stole a woman's Haunted dolls.  Woman says the Thief is going to regret it.

Man has 200,000 Dollars stolen out of the back of his Tesla

Man has 200,000 Dollars stolen out of the back of his Tesla

Little Girl says there's monsters in her closet; They find over 65,0000 bees in the Walls

Little Girl says there's monsters in her closet; They find over 65,0000 bees in the Walls

Vandals destroy 25 Pink VW Bugs. Then Twerked on the Hoods of the Cars.

Vandals destroy 25 Pink VW Bugs.  Then Twerked on the Hoods of the Cars.

4-20 with Dave from Specialty Auto Auctions, and Manny from Tropical Glitz Paints

4-20 with Dave from Specialty Auto Auctions, and Manny from Tropical Glitz Paints